
welcome november

Listen to this song while scrolling these pictures. 

It's raining. Raining leaves. October has softly, quietly rolled into November. Now there is a faint whisper in the air, a slight undercurrent of chilliness. A suppressed emotion of excitement for the upcoming holidays.. jackets are wrapped around tighter, leaves are falling at a quicker pace. The excitement, the anticipation are here.

Welcome November..


  1. Beautiful, beautiful pictures.

    1. Thank you. :) I've taken your advice and edited these as little as possible. Your pictures are breathtaking!

  2. Hello, thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. :) I checked out yours, and fell in love. Beautiful pictures, did you take them? Also, Les Miserables<3 I was just listening to their music the other day. And your writing is quite beautiful too. Beautiful blog!

    1. Thank you, dear. :)

      Yes, I did take the pictures. And I love Les Miserables!

  3. Another lovely post! Your photos are amazing. I especially love the second one :) Do you like Les Miserables? I have been so conflicted as to whether or not I should read it.

    1. Thank you so much! Ooooh, I love Les Miserables! 'Tis a very, verrryyy long book, but really good. :) It can get boring at times, but overall it has a good, deep story.

  4. Hello Kailey,
    I just came across your blog! It is very nice and your pictures are beautiful.
    I was looking in your "About" section and what especially caught my attention was the fact that you are "always found barefoot, even when cold." It immediately reminded me of my sisters and myself, but my sisters more so. We love going barefoot and the cold weather won't stop us much. ;)
    God bless and keep shining for Him!

    A Barefooted Blogger Friend,


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